Using social media to grow online

Image showing a close up of someone using their phone

It’s difficult to know the exact number of social media users but estimates suggest, as of October 2023, there were 4.95 billion. That’s 4.95 billion potential clients that can be reached via social media. Even if the real figure of active social media users within your niche is a fraction of that, it’s still a lot of business you could be missing out on.

If you already have a social media presence, you likely have a number of followers. Growing your social media presence means increasing the number of followers you have, boosting the number of people who engage with your content and, most importantly, increasing the traffic flow to your website. These are all realistic aims and measurable goals. Increasing your social media presence should ultimately increase sales. You simply need an effective strategy.

Growth strategies that work

Any business can simply create a social media account and start posting content. It will be seen by some people but, by itself, this won’t be enough to result in online growth. The following strategies will help:

  • Find the right platform

Each of your products or services will have a target audience. You should already know your target audience, if, not, you need to work that out before you go any further. Once you have your target audience, you need to work out what social media platform or platforms they are using and post your content there.

  • Post regularly

Having identified the right platform, you need to start posting content. To ensure consistent interaction with your account, you need to post regularly. Most experts agree this should be between 3-5 times a week, however this can vary by platform and industry. Each platform and target audience will also have specific days and times that are most effective. What work is often down to trial and error and you can, and should, adjust your posting schedule based onresults.

  • Keep it short

People have short attention spans and most users scroll through social media while doing other things. Your content should be concise and to the point, attention grabbing and in a format easy to consume, such as video or images.

  • Use keyphrases

Social media, just like any other form of marketing, is about being found. In order to be found, you have to create content that people are searching for. Social media platforms asses various metrics to decide which content to show users. By using the right key phrases in your social media content, in your caption or video description, your content is more likely to be seen by your target audience.

  • Interact

Social media is a two-way street. Your audience should find your posts engaging, entertaining or informative, and like seeing them. However, they also want to feel connected. That means responding to comments and direct messages, maybe even adding interactive content such as surveys and questionnaires to increase your interaction with your audience.

How this improves your online presence

The strength of your brand online is determined by the number of interested parties who see and engage with your posts and the products and services you offer. Publishing content regularly on your social media channels encourages existing followers to stay loyal to you and, if it’s the right content, it can also put your brand in front of new people who haven’t heard of you before.

Getting your social media content right can be challenging. Let WEBPRO Creative take care of it for you!


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