How to stand out with imagery

Graphic showing two index fingers and two thumbs joining to make a camera shape
Jun 28 2023 DESIGN

Website images were originally about making the website look better and breaking up blocks of text. But there is a lot more to it today. In fact, your image choices could make a huge difference to how your business is viewed and even your sales figures.  

Uncover some of the key considerations of website imagery to make sure you avoid the biggest mistakes and make picture-perfect decisions. For personalised guidance or help creating images, don’t hesitate to contact our creative agency soon.  

Choose mostly bespoke 

Using bespoke images that you have taken yourself - or getting a professional to take them for you - is a really good idea. Consumers generally feel more trusting when they can put faces to a business, and building trust is going to be essential to get more enquiries and sales. On the flip side, consumers will be less trusting when they notice you’ve used stock images.  

If you’re going to take staff profile images yourself, it’s best to use the same camera for all images. Asking staff to submit or take their own images is a bad idea because there can be a stark difference in picture quality, etc. You should also prioritise real images when showcasing your premises or facilities – not just staff members. 

There is an added bonus of using bespoke images over stock photos. Using bespoke imagery is good for your website’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) performance. Simply put, Google loves it when websites have their own unique images and could index pages higher on search results pages as a result, which can contribute to generating more leads.  

Did you know WEBPRO Creative offers professional photography services? And we can even touch up your images and upload them to your site! 

Choose representative images 

Whether you’re using a bespoke image or a paid-for stock image, the image should represent you as a brand. For example, if you offer services but have a brand that has steered away from the corporate image, choosing images of people in corporate settings won’t be ideal. And you might even have to consider the colour schemes within images against your branding.  

That’s not all the images should represent. They should be representative of your target audience. This is because people need to see themselves in your imagery, which is more likely to conjure images of them using your product or service and encourage action.  

For example, if your services are designed for older homeowners, you should ideally use images of people around the same age at home. But remember to use people of different ethnicities so you don’t unintentionally exclude some leads.  

Images if you sell locally 

If you’re a business that sells your product or services more locally, you may want to consider adding images that depict the local area and landmarks that nearby consumers will recognise.  

People often prefer to shop locally for many reasons, such as supporting local businesses and because buying local is more likely to provide face-to-face, and sometimes even cheaper, services.  

Often, businesses will set up web pages for different areas nearby, claiming to be local to all of them and generate more local business. Because anyone can do this and claim to be a local business, having real pictures of one area is one of the best ways to provide social proof you’re a legitimate local business.  

Go professional for products 

When it comes to selling products, you should always have bespoke pictures taken by a professional photographer. You should never use stock images for products because you would be breaking advertising regulations, considering these aren’t the products you’re selling.  

Professionals should be able to capture the products genuinely while also enhancing their best features. Professional photography services can be a wise investment if you’re an online retailer.  

Recap: There are lots of DOs and DON’Ts when it comes to choosing website images. We have provided you with some key considerations and tips above, but there may be other things to think about depending on your business and its brand. For tailored support and services, don’t hesitate to reach out to our creative experts.  


Research has found that consumers seeking a local service were more likely to consider making an enquiry if the business used local images.


Graphic showing 5 building blocks being pulled by one block with an image of a magnet

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