How infographics can boost engagement for your website

Graphic showing a close up of a keyboard overlaid with upward arrows

Infographics can augment conversion rates. Here, we look at what infographics are and how to use them to drive engagement and strengthen your brand.

What is an infographic?

An infographic is data or information that’s illustrated, so the message you are aiming to convey is instantaneously understood by your target audience.

Using data, statistics and visual charts, infographics help viewers to grasp a great deal of information.

Typical kinds of infographics are:

  • Statistical. These infographics are used as a way to convey data with graphs, charts and visuals, making complex information easier to comprehend, and fast.
  • Informational. Designed to clarify concepts and processes with the use of visuals, copy and images, their purpose is to outline complex data and make it easy for viewers to retain the information.
  • Timeline. As the name suggests, timeline infographics chart a series of events in chronological order, with the use of visuals and copy. Sometimes, a business will note momentous occasions that have occurred since its launch date.

How do infographics boost engagement?

The good news is that generally, we all love an infographic. Anything that breaks down complex information, making it easy for us to follow, is going to be a winner every time.

Not only does the easy-to-understand infographic itself make reading a web page more enjoyable, it also breaks up lengthy pieces of written text. With just seconds to grab attention, pages can be made to look much more exciting, and therefore keeps audiences glued to a page for longer. This helps with search engine rankings.

And there’s more good news. Infographics are arguably the most shared type of content online. So, the opportunity to boost engagement multiplies by the number of shares it boasts. A good argument for having well-thought-through, well-crafted infographics.

What are the benefits of using infographic content?

In addition to engaging audiences, enhancing web pages, boosting rankings and them making good share-worthy material which helps you increase your reach, there are many more benefits to using infographics. They include:

  • Credibility. Infographics quite literally show your expertise. 
  • Branding. Creating your own unique infographics, they will align with your brand strategy and show what sets you apart. At a glance. 
  • Draws visitors. As we all tend to click on content that’s visually appealing.
  • Better search engine optimisation (SEO). Shareable, they make their way to different platforms, increase engagement and conversions. 
  • Social Media. Infographics can help increase your social media presence.
  • Insights. They are easy to track and analyse, giving you a better understanding of how and where they perform best.

Tips on how to produce and use quality infographics

  • Use the right keyphrases. Attract visitors; create infographics that can be searched for easily by attaching the relevant keyphrases. 
  • Consider platforms. Where your infographics will be published may well determine its design.
  • Strengthen email campaigns. Remember infographics when you devise your next email marketing campaign. Done right, they can make fantastic marketing tools, just as they can for your website. 
  • Enhancing SEO. Improve visibility on search engines by attaching titles, text and a description to your infographics
  • Keep things simple. Prioritise the most important information you need to convey and use white space to make the visual pop.
  • Align with your brand. Always ensure your infographics are consistent with your brand message and style. When quoting data, use only credible sources. 
  • Complement with other content types. Text, photos and videos should work with an infographic to truly give it power, and to make the website page work, as a whole. Imagine a page full of infographics and nothing else; each could get lost and overlooked, and the page wouldn’t make sense, let alone be visually appealing. 
  • Include a call to action (CTA). An inspiring, strategically placed CTA will propel conversions.
  • Draw on expertise. Using experienced, knowledgeable and skilful professionals to create dynamic infographics for you can reap many benefits - all those you see here can be capitalised upon. Just ask WEBPRO Creative. Our specialists have the know-how.


What is an infographic?
An infographic gives information or data in an illustrated format, in a visually inviting way, designed to make it easier to take in.

How do infographics boost engagement?
Infographics can guide website visitors simply and swiftly through the messages you want to convey, providing clarity and a pleasurable reading experience.

How can I increase website audience engagement?
Infographics need to be well-designed and well-placed on the page. They work best with a combination of other content, such as text, photos and videos. Make them so they are more likely to be shared, to increase reach and subsequently, further engagement.

Why are infographics so powerful?
Their visual appeal and value in simplifying information aid business conversions. They encourage swift engagement, and well-worded CTAs can compel readers to take action – visit a website, for example.

For info on graphics to learning more about infographics, get in touch with our creative team of specialists today.


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