How to decide which website designer to work with

How to decide which website designer to work with

Choosing a website designer and developer isn’t as easy as finding a plumber to fix a leaky tap. Whereas plumbers may vary in the way they deliver their service, the end result is the same – a tap that doesn’t leak. This is unlike the job of a web developer, whereby the end result can be drastically different depending on the skill and experience of the website developer.  

Graphic showing a man and a woman having a discussion looking at a laptop screen.

Why you should consider Drupal for your next website build

Drupal is a Content Management System (CMS) that can be used to create websites and the content for websites. It is similar to another CMS you may have heard of, namely WordPress. However, one big difference between WordPress and Drupal is that the former is focused on making content for websites, whereas Drupal is seen more as a content hub that can be pushed out to websites, apps and other platforms or systems. 

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How to retain relationships with your clients

Business growth doesn’t have to only come from generating new customers. It’s possible to grow your business by engaging with clients who have already bought into your product or service. But how do you get it right?  

Graphic showing papers with designs on a desk and a hand pointing at a design

Web pages vs landing pages

When providing online marketing services, we’ve noticed that many of our clients are unsure of landing pages and their purpose. So, we thought it’s worthwhile to explain how landing pages and regular website pages differ in purpose and content.