When you search for something online, you probably start on a search engine, and you most probably use Google. The search engine will then bring up many results, often spread over several pages. These pages are called Search Engine Result Pages, or SERPs for short. However, if you’re like 99.99% of the world, you will never click on the second page of the SERPs and will opt to click on one of the top results from the first page.
Just like fashion, website design can be so ‘in’ or so last year. It’s important to keep your website looking fresh for more than just aesthetic appeal though. Owning a website that showcases one of the latest design trends can reflect on your business in a positive light and tell prospective clients that you care about the details.
Choosing a website designer and developer isn’t as easy as finding a plumber to fix a leaky tap. Whereas plumbers may vary in the way they deliver their service, the end result is the same – a tap that doesn’t leak. This is unlike the job of a web developer, whereby the end result can be drastically different depending on the skill and experience of the website developer.
Drupal is a Content Management System (CMS) that can be used to create websites and the content for websites. It is similar to another CMS you may have heard of, namely WordPress. However, one big difference between WordPress and Drupal is that the former is focused on making content for websites, whereas Drupal is seen more as a content hub that can be pushed out to websites, apps and other platforms or systems.